So, yeah, random moment.
I know, I said I wasn't going to do videos on a certain company that don't need me promoting them when they make millions every year without any help from us. BUT! I erm I have several models that I keep buying to convert. Yeah as you can see I have been redesigning them for a while now. I've just picked up the Terminator model and I have several Ork models in different stages of design (I wanted to build one as a Storm Boy it is taking longer than planned). In general though I don't just repaint them I rebuild them. Using green stuff and plasticard. I do not 3D Print parts for them, no CAD design it is all done by hand with greenstuff, using blue stuff moulds and so on.
I am not sure I want to do videos on them as they are a certain companies models and I am trying not to do anything on them but they are also McFarlane models and it is a little... Thoughts?