So I painted up "000" Spikey for the promo and the web site.
As always when ever I do anything it ends up on here first and then moves to my website though this is a little different the photos are here first yes, but Spikey is already on the website Final Games UK So you can already pick yourself one up and do a far better paint job than I did.
Let us talk about the paint job for a moment, I wrote, sculpted and designed Spikey, I started it years ago with a different project when trying to design an alien race and being fixated with Hedgehogs. Don't ask it was a phase. But I have never actually managed to get a skin tone for this alien, I have painted Spikey in so many colours over the years, this version here and the prototype as it appears are both done.
Chaos Black Under Coat.
White zenithal from top for Baseball bat version and from the front right for original version.
Snakebite Contrast for the flesh tone, twice.
Shorts, are Apothecary contrast on Baseball and On Original for the shirt.
Night haunt Gloom on the originals shorts, twice.
And the boots on both are Black Templar contrast ad Nuln Oil Gloss wash.
The eye was Mephiston red base and then Flash Gits Yellow for the centre.
I would like to see how other people would paint this guy up, as it has only ever been me that paints it.
So got check out my Character Series (I will be adding more) on the Final Games web site.
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