Amassing 500 followers in 14 days, Handiwork Games ‘Cold City Hot War’ demo is capturing peoples imagination with a mashup of Cold War tension and supernatural horror. Playtest materials have already been despatched to more than 30 groups and unconfirmed reports of number station broadcasts reciting rulebook page numbers are definitely nicht verwandt.
Launching in March on Kickstarter, this latest edition combines both the original Cold City and Hot War into a single dossier of paranormal espionage. Cold City is a post war, Berlin based monster hunt, and Hot War - well... sounds more and more like prudent planning as you’re tasked with a clean up in ‘post nuclear exchange’ Britain.
Creator Malcolm Craig (and really, who falls for this? - A bearded man with two first names? Senior lecturer in American history and Cold War secrets? Pure Miskatonic playbook) describes it as "games of hidden agendas, trust, and monster hunting in 1950s Berlin" that evolves into "relationships and the breakdown of society in nuclear-ravaged 1963 London." Think "The Third Man with tentacles" - or, ‘Threads’ with cockney accents and a god awful soundtrack.
Get onto Kickstarter, register your interest and keep monitoring the number stations.