Bolt Action is, without questions, Warlord Games' biggest seller. With the third edition of what they describe as 'the world’s best WWII wargame' on the horizon, they're pushing it hard right now.
The latest insight into the forthcoming edition (as published on their Warlord Community page) focuses on their updated vehicle rules. Damage against armoured vehicles has been refined and split into two categories ('superficial' and 'full') and the rules for unarmoured and armoured transports tweaked. Lastly, the points costs on armoured vehicles have been scaled down to make bigger, more imposing armour more affordable. This last tweak is particularly good news for the game, making it more feasible to bring bigger, more impressive armour (such as the Tiger II shown in the article) to the table. This is a real win for gamers, hobbyists and WWII wargaming enthusiasts alike!
See the full article for more details.