ROK Minis Preview New Mordheim-compatible Ruined Village
If you're looking for a collection of terrain for your games of Mordheim or Frostgrave, then ROK Minis have your back.
Their new 28mm scale ruined village is a perfect addition to your favourite fantasy games. Containing as it does a three-section manor house, a smaller house, a ruined tower, a forge, and a slew of ruined walls and twisted trees, the full set will fill a 4x4' table whilst allowing your miniatures room to manoeuvre and do battle.
Each of these buildings and terrain features are available to buy individually from the ROK Minis website, or you can buy the full set and save a few quid in the process.
See the ROK Minis website for more details.
#ROK Minis #Mordheim #Frostgrave #terrain