Games Workshop have unveiled a miasma of licensed merchandise … and it’s slightly overwhelming.
As revealed today on the Games Workshop website, there’s a panoply of licensed Warhammer products either in the pipeline or newly released. Seriously, there’s so much new or incoming stuff that I’d burn a significant chunk of my life expectancy if I covered it all. That being the case, I humbly present what I consider to be the highlights from today’s preview:
1: Angron, the Angry Daemon Primarch of Khorne statue by JOYTOY
Check this guy out, with his big ol’ wings and tiny wee head! At 40cm in height and 60cm in width, he’s definitely an impressive statue. The Games Workshop website maintains this bad boy is already available for pre-order, but, at the time of writing, there’s no sign of him on the JOYTOY website.
2: Warhammer 40,000 Character Encyclopedia and Warhammer Video Game Art Book by DK
These two coffee table tomes detail the character miniatures from the grim future, and the wealth of artwork and concepts featured in the many and varied Warhammer 40,000 digital games. Both of these books are available now from DK.
3: New Warhammer 40,000 RPGs from Cubicle 7
I’ll be the first to admit that, having been fortunate enough to work on some of their RPGs in the past, I have a soft spot for Cubicle 7. But, it’s because I’ve worked for them that I know how good Cubicle 7 are, and, by extension, how good their forthcoming Warhammer RPGs will be.
Those new RPGs include Horus Heresy, in which players assume the role of Legionary Consuls caught in the aftermath of the infamous betrayal at Isstvan. Those players will also create a secondary character, such as a Naval commander, a Remembrancer, or an Iterator, and they’ll play these characters when their particular skills are required.
There’s also a new RPG from the Old World due for release from Cubicle 7, but today’s update doesn’t include any details as to what it may be. Be sure we’ll fill you in as and when we know.
The above is very much a truncated summary of these new releases. See the Games Workshop website for the full list.
Images courtesy of Games Workshop and Cubicle 7