Steamforged Games have opened pre-orders for their latest Warmachine Cygnar boxsets.
One of the main factions in the Iron Kingdoms, Cygnar has been a fundamental part of the Warmachine experience since the game’s inception. Its roster of excellent warcasters, solos, warjacks and characters established its popularity long before the game was reinvigorated by Steamforged Games.
And now that popularity—not to mention its roster—is due to grow yet further thanks to a new tranche of releases. Focusing on the Cygnar Gravediggers, these new sets include a Gravediggers Battlegroup and a Gravediggers Command Starter.
The Gravediggers Battlegroup starter is a great way to begin a new Warmachine army, including as it does a warcaster and two ‘jacks.. However, this modest force is more than able to hold its own until suitable reinforcements can be mustered.
Those of you looking to start with a bigger bang, however, should consider the Cygnar Gravediggers Command Starter. A more rounded offering than the Battlegroup Starter, this set includes a warcaster, a heavy warjack, a three model unit and a character solo.
See the Steamforged website for more details.
Images courtesy of Steamforged Games