Another year, another set of event miniatures from Games Workshop.
This year’s dynamic—not to mention desirable—promo minis have a dark edge. The 40k offering, for instance, is a Genestealer Cults Primus. Not to be confused with the portable stove, a Primus is a mutated, multi-armed commander which inspires its followers to frothing height of fervor. As well as being masters of guerilla warfare, they are also skilled combatants which are able to hold their own against any foe the 41st millennium has to offer.
Meanwhile, in Sigmar Land, the vicious Skaven Clawlord Kettek Throatbite is armed with sharp, pointy weapons and a knack for leading his fellow Skaven from the very back. His armour is also adorned by his pet rat.
Both models will be unleashed at AdeptiCon. They will then be available at Warhammer events throughout 2025. See the Games Workshop website for more details.