Games Workshop have unveiled their new range of High Elves.
The core of this new army is formed by the High Elves Battalion box set. This new box contains enough models to create four, 16-man units of elven spearman and archers, plus their appropriate command options. These unit are supported by two chariots. The set also contains a sheet of 356 transfers.
This arrmy can be expanded not only by additional units of plastic, multi-part cavalry, archers and infantry, but also character models such as a Forge World resin Lord of Chrace, and Ishaya Vess, Sentinel of the Silent Isle. Old favourites such as Korhil Lionmane and the Handmaiden of the Everqueen will also return in white metal.
The strength of this new host is further bolstered by the magnificent High Elf Lord on Dragon, and a Great Eagle of the Elven Realms. The Forge World Merwyrm adds a final, aquatic piquancy to the elven army.
These releases are rounded out with a set of reference cards and thematic, pearlescent swirl dice. The transfer sheet which is included in the battalion box can also be purchased separately.
Lore, profiles and rules for using these new models will be detailed in the forthcoming 48-page supplement, Arcane Journal: High Elf Realms.
See the Games Workshop website for further details.
Images courtesy of Games Workshop