Splattered Ink Games are getting ready to bring dinosaurs to your dungeons.
Described as 'the largest dinosaur bestiary [and] adventure collection ever released for 5e', A Time Traveler's Guide to Dinosaur Hunting promises 'bonkers one-shots, colossal monsters, brutal weapons, primordial spells, and amazing player options!'
Even more intriguingly, the Time Traveler's Guide will also offer players new options for PC, including Cyborg, Shard Mystic and Beastkin.
A Time Traveler's Guide to Dinosaur Hunting launches on Kickstarter soon. Check out the prelaunch page and click 'Notify Me on Launch' to be amongst the first backers.
#D&D #Dungeons & Dragons #Kickstarter #crowdfunding #SplatteredInk #dinosaurs